How to Use Loading Button in Vue 3 with Vuetify 3

In this tutorial, we’ll create loading buttons using Vuetify.js 3 in Vue.js 3. We’ll cover loading buttons with icons and disabled state loading buttons. Before we begin, make sure you’ve installed and configured Vuetify 3 in Vue 3.

How to Install Vuetify 3 in Vue 3

Vuetify 3 Vue 3 Loading Button Example

1. Vuetify 3 Vue 3 basic loading using the options API.

      <v-btn :loading="loading" @click="toggleLoading">
        Loading Button

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      loading: false,
  methods: {
    toggleLoading() {
      this.loading = true;

      setTimeout(() => {
        this.loading = false;
      }, 2000);
 vuetify 3 loading button

2. Vuetify 3 Vue 3 loading using the Composition API.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const loading = ref(false);

const toggleLoading = () => {
  loading.value = true;
  setTimeout(() => {
    loading.value = false;
  }, 2000);
      <v-btn :loading="loading" @click="toggleLoading">
        Loading Button
vue 3  vuetify 3 loading button

3. Vue.js 3 Vuetify 3 loading button with icon and disabled state.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';

const loading = ref(false);

const toggleLoading = () => {
  loading.value = true;
  setTimeout(() => {
    loading.value = false;
  }, 3000);
      <v-btn :loading="loading" :disabled="loading" @click="toggleLoading" icon>
        <v-icon left>mdi-cloud-upload</v-icon>
vuetify 3 loading button icon disabled state

4. Vue.js 3 TypeScript Vuetify 3 loading button with icon and disabled state.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref, Ref } from 'vue';

const loading: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);

const toggleLoading = () => {
  loading.value = true;
  setTimeout(() => {
    loading.value = false;
  }, 3000);
      <v-btn :loading="loading" :disabled="loading" @click="toggleLoading" icon>
        <v-icon left>mdi-cloud-upload</v-icon>
Javed sheikh

Hello there! I’m Javed Sheikh, a frontend developer with a passion for crafting seamless user experiences. With expertise in JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js, Svelte, and React, I bring creativity and innovation to every project I undertake. From building dynamic web applications to optimizing user interfaces,

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